Ash Wednesday

As this is a holy day I finally blipped this sweet church that I fly by on my travels in the Borders. I don't know if it's still an active church or a house as it has rather flowery unChristian curtains.

Like the Queen I have two birthdays and today explains the provenance of my name. My mother gave birth to me in a Catholic Nursing Home full of nuns and when she daringly named me Ashe ( my wacky father threw an 'e' in for badness) the nuns were horrified, full fire and brimstone and mum and I were unceremoniously kicked out. How Christian of them and what a great start in life. Looks like heaven wasn't happening for me from the off.

Apparently the key themes are repentance and fasting. Hmmm can I be repentant for not fasting as much as I should have?

Thankfully I wasn't born the day before as no doubt my '70s parents would have delighted in naming me Pancake which trust me, would be highly inappropriate.... ( . )( . ) !

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