Thoughts of a Mummy

By Jaxndm

Bedtime Baby xxx

What a beautiful day!! The sun has been glorious :oD

Ruby and Penny had a friend round to play with this morning - and of course the mummy's got to have a natter too ;o)

Ashleigh and I had our four month review. Ashleigh is doing great :o) She's now 15lb 6oz!! The Health Visitor is happy with her development and our parenting. I had to complete a questionnaire about my feelings and how I am generally. I think I did ok....
Have you laughed recently? Mmm, let me think..... I've got four young children, I have to laugh otherwise I'd be rocking in a corner ;o)
Do you blame yourself for things out of your control? Yep! All the time - but that's me.
The Health Visitor has suggested three things...
1. I take my mum up on her offer of having our girls for an hour or two to give me a break (or to catch up on the housework)
2. To be referred to HomeStart
3. I request for some counselling to help with my OCD
I will explore these three options however, I have four healthy, happy and sometimes fairly crazy girls, who are thriving in their own lives. We can't be doing that bad ;o)

My picture today is of Ashleigh (if you hadn't already guessed!) Ashleigh's started a new trick - she can play with her dummy. She's found that she can take her dummy out - however she doesn't know how to put it back in! So instead cries until Mummy or Daddy put her dummy back in. My trick tonight to try to get her to not play with her dummy was to put Pudsey in her arms (in between her hands and her dummy). Guess what... It worked! She couldn't reach her dummy so it stayed in and Ashleigh fell asleep - yay!!!!!

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