A Meandering Life...

By Skeena

My dSLR ~ Derelict Thursday

It has occurred to me I have been neglecting my dSLR in favour of my FourThirds camera. I'm bias towards street photography where smaller, lighter equipment has an advantage. I find the touch screen release button very useful too as it reduces my camera shake greatly.

Yesterday I wished I had taken the dSLR though, especially for later in the day. Going from deep shadows to full on low sun is a pain when you need to scroll through an on screen menu to alter your settings. Oh for the all multi dedicated dials or buttons the dSLR has...

I think next time I'll take the big boy and slip the FourThirds into my pocket with the 9mm wide-angle lens cap lens on it just to make it even smaller.

I'd like to thank everyone who said such kind things about my Stranger #2 yesterday although I'm not too sure if they were directed at my subject or my ability... ;o)

I have set myself a Mono Month Challenge (MMC), this also covers Mono Mondays. For the whole of February I will only Blip Mono images...

MMC #19 :: My dSLR ~ Derelict Thursday

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