The Adventures of Eli

By victoriaparker

Eli and the Prowling Fox

Mummy once got a bit neurotic when she seen a fox prowling around our garden and she knew there was a window open in the house. What if the fox jumped in the window and ate the rabbits? She had an innate instinct to protect the little furry creatures that hop freely around our house. Nobody warned her that this instinct would bulk up on steroids so by the time I was born it was ridiculously out of proportion to any other emotion.

This emotion was particularly bulging today when we went to look for a new car seat. This one looks nice said mummy, pointing to a reasonably priced car seat with a nice colourful pattern. Oh but it doesn't have as many safety features as this one over here that will require you to remortgage your house and sell all your possessions but you can't really put a price on your child's life now can you implied the sales lady. What could mummy say, she wants to protect me in every way possible.

It's fine mummy don't feel guilty, I said, just get me the cheap one and a helmet and I promise I'll hold on tight!

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