Highly Unsprung

By CynicalWench

lights, camera, mouse

After we'd seen off the work and school thing, the light had warmed up and softened by early evening. Lengthening days are silently creeping in and around us without fanfare. We must have been daylight starved for so long this winter as this has been the first week we've been home before darkness some days and instinctively headed straight out for a walk, without much thought to where the sudden urge has come from. The draw of the sunbeams and the old body clock attuning itself to the seasons, even if we are not conscious of it.

Used the old shoe trick to catch a baby mouse that Thumper brought in tonight. Tiny wee bewhiskered scamp, with clown-like big feet, it burrowed into Dave's shoe and was safely released back into the forest. Hope the daredevil makes it. Thumper just seemed pleased he had brought a take away in for us.

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