Chicken hawk

Went to the river while the eldest was in her dance class.  No egrets just a pigeon and some very hungry looking carp then this fella landed on the railing next to me about a foot away.  He's not in my birds of Japan book so I've decided he's a chicken hawk.

Some old people came by soon enough to scare him away and inform me that he was a kingfisher or a bird called a red belly.  Old people, is there anything they don't know?

Ear nose and throat doctor told me that because I'm foreign, I have a big nose.  He likes to throw out English terms here and there when he talks. "Asophaaaaagus"
"Oh, esophagus"
"well I'm sure both pronunciations are correct but this camera I just put up your (easily accessible because it's so much bigger than our superior small Japanese noses) tells me that it's red".

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