Tractor Factory Photos

By TractorFactoryPhotos

The odd sock issue...

Where do they go, or is it where do they come from? I'm talking about those friendly odd socks that hang around in laundry limbo awaiting their lost partners. The issue of lost socks just seems to have componded itself since Bethany came along and has become not only an odd sock limbo but has added odd cot gloves and odd booties to it's gravitational pull.

Has anybody else got a method for their lost socks? I try to be methodical about it and have a wee space in the bedroom where the known halves congregate. This is in the vain hope that they're respective partners are merely stuck in transit awaiting the next laundry basket to reunite them. It sometimes happens, but more often than not, the lonely foot warmers are left gazing toward the misty sunset of the tumble dryer to hope they find their mate.

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