
I've really enjoyed this week 2 live Theatre screenings thanks to my nearby Picturehouses  Cinema. If any of you Blippers have access to this and haven't sampled it already : give it a go. I find it quite wonderful.
I saw the RSC's production of 'Love's Labours Lost', staged as a pre-1st world war. Yesterday National Theatre's Treasure Island. The filming is now so good I find ( sat in the front row ) it almost better than being in the Theatre. Both theatre's staging was so clever : I was entranced as the National's stage turned itself into the Hispaniola, all 4 decks of her.
Long John Silver teaching Jim ( a girl ) how to navigate by the stars was another wonder as the star constellations appeared high above.
A coming treat : Maxine Peake as Hamlet.
Have a good W/E folks.
For those of you who have  said they use Picasa on Blip. Well it won't upload for me!!. I'd jiggled this too dark picture : No.    

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