I'd like to thank ...

... this Heron for posing in such a nice spot, in good light, and for looking the nearest a heron can look to cheerful! Also for being my in the bag shot, as it was the first thing I saw when Mr PB dropped me off this morning for my walk along Rivelin Valley. It was relatively quiet, although I did see Treecreepers, Goldcrests and lots of Long-tailed Tits.
So, today I get my turquoise camera -1500 consecutive blips! Hard to believe! Still loving Blip. It does everything I want of it - it enables me to keep a photo journal and keep track of my life, and to interact with some lovely people who inspire me and have  become friends over the years. Thank you for your friendship, inspiration and patience at my flaky commenting.
A very different day lined up for tomorrow - another bus pass adventure, but just a mini one.

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