Black and white...

After the sunshine and excitement of yesterday, today seems very grey.  Woke to find no internet again.. but with the knowledge that our set up can actually receive nearly 5Mbps.  I rang the ISP.. here we go again!!!  she wanted me download a remote access programme.. but with no internet it seemed it would never happen.. it didn't.  I asked when the last work had been done in the exchange and was told that it was on the 18th.. so something went well but didnt last.  I was told that she would escalate the issue and report a fault to BT Openreach along with the information about our speeds yesterday.. and that our neighbour also has no internet just now (a link or a coincidence?)  Then a while later the postman came and left us a letter from our ISP.. with IMPORTANT written in large red letters on the outside.. intrigued I ripped it open.. 
Good news!!!!  Our broadband had been upgraded and would now be able to receive faster connections up to 8Mbps (dependent on the line and distance to exchange - of course there is always the caveat) the letter was dated 17th.. and told us that there may be some disruption to our signal for up to a week which is normal.. but to keep using the internet as they can only adjust it if we are online... so.. today we have no internet.. and I have to use it.. so they can see how rubbish it is.. 

I used to have a life.. it seems this is taking it over just now.  Sorry to bore you all.. but it is a good record for me too. I definitely feel like it would be better to know I was going to have no internet for two weeks and then receive a better signal than to keep thinking that at any moment it might just spring back to life and be frustrated when it doesn't.  The complaint pile is building.. and if they really do record all the phone calls (as they say they do) they will have a lot of me sounding extremely angry!!!

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