
..from the main Lochinver road..

A trip to the dentist at midday. Was expecting a "blip meet" with eco-dad, but he didn't see my message posted last night about me going to the dentist. He turned up around 12:30 and G showed him around the croft. Left a few jars of jam for us, many thanks. Perhaps call in next time you're up.. I'd like to meet properly..

Having a crown fitted to my bottom left molar, the very back one. So it was lots of anaesthetic, drilling, and water splashing about. ANd then the casts.. And then fitting a temporary cover. Don't mind everything else, but those covers are uncomfortable. Rough edges and hollows. Oh well, only there for a couple of weeks. Next visit next Friday and another a week later.. Job done again, for a while..

Took Tanni for a walk up the river, after doing a bit of shopping for G. Took loads of pics of the rapids and waterfalls, but they didn't work properly. Saw this view of Suliven on the way back, and fascinated by the cloud forming off the peak.. It's a stunning mountain..

Called in at the tree nursery on the way back, and picked up some Scots Pines. 50 @ 49p each. And nice little trees too.. Grown in root trainers, they're 6-8 inches high, just the right size to take of quickly.. Fancy a few patches of them down the sides of the croft..

Eggs and.. tonight!..

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