My Life With Luna

By chrisA

Singing Robin

I took a walk around the lake this afternoon and apart from the usual pair of swans, lots of geese, ducks and seagulls (one decided it didn't like my clean car so left me a present - I'd only had it cleaned not 10 minutes before), the star of the show had to be the singing Robin.   He must be used to visitors as he wasn't at all fazed by me or the camera and serenaded me beautifully for a few minutes.
I had the camera poised to take another photograph when a loud voice boomed 'Taking a picture of something nice?' I wanted to retort 'No, its absolutely disgusting really' instead I smiled sweetly and said 'Yes, a sweet little Robin, but he's flown off now' and 'Thanks to you' under my breath.   Don't you just love them!!

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