From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

That was a fast week!

Seriously this week just flew. When not working, I've barely moved further than the bird/squirrels feeders this week. It's been really intense work wise with not much let up. It's just as well I do this - Blipfoto - as at least that gets me out and around the world looking at other people's journals!

I've given up speaking and now just chirp, twitter and caw. As for singing, I have the voice of a crow so the rain is probably my fault too.

I was going cross eyed by lunchtime and forced myself out of my chair to make cheesy scrambled eggs with onions which made me yawn for most of the afternoon.

That's it for today. I spoke to mom as usual after work. Her new cashpoint card had arrived. Well, I say 'new' but it was actually the second one she had received. When the first had arrived a couple of weeks ago, she got her old card out which was nearing its expiry date and meant to cut up that one but ended up cutting up the new one instead. I think mom had got distracted watching Midsomer Murders.

Anyway, she only discovered her error when trying to use the expired card on Monday! Fair play, mom went into the Bank of Scotland and explained what had happened horribly embarrassed about the whole thing. I pointed out that banks were used to that sort of thing. 'What? Used to mad Irish women?' she asked.

Track? Another one from the Stones tonight - Miss You

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