
By mef13


Just off the town centre in Romsey you’ll come across Middlebridge Street, one of the most fascinating residential thoroughfares in the town.
The road leads from the town to the main road bridge over the River Test, and known in years gone by as Middle Bridge, and has a stream running alongside it for much of its length,
It also boasts a wealth of character because it has so many influences on its architecture. At one end you’ll find  a delightful group of houses like this, further along there is a mix of historic buildings cheek by jowl with more modern architecture. And just off it, the picturesque Riverside Gardens where properties border on another part of the river, and you’ll more than likely have ducks as permanent residents in your garden or on the river bank.
Along the length of the street, is a church, retirement apartment complexes, other apartments and town houses, along with quaint pavement side terraced houses, and more modern town houses where your front door opens to a bridge over the stream.

Oh yes, and the 300-year-old Grade 11 listed Three Tuns, probably one of the oldest pubs in the town, now one of the town’s renowned pub restaurants.
Streets like this, with a history, in any town are part of the fabric of our country and must be preserved.

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