
By HelsWels79


Arghhhhhhh Ben's been a right nightmare today. He's very much settled into his new surroundings and being a total pain. The 2 boys are behaving like brothers n taking it in turns to bug the other. The odd push, touch, kick.....enough to rile the other and then things escalate to someone getting told off. I took him and O down the High Street this morning and pretty much had to drag Ben back by his hood amongst wailing and screaming that he wanted a 'carry', much to the amusement of all the local Nanas.

We drove to Findhorn in the afternoon for a walk on the beach and cake an eco housing settlement with properties there since the 70s. Couple of the houses were made from the massive whiskey vats, mash-somethings. But today's pic was found in one of the gardens and made me n Ben smile.

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