An Unkindness of Ravens

By Nevermore

Giant bolete mushroom

Today Lucy and I walked a path we hadn't used before, giving a new photographic perspective to a local area.

On one side of the path was a brand new house and stable complex, with super duper spanking new everything; all straight lines and security gates (and a very nice grey Arabian stallion). On the other side was one of those farms where they have kept every piece of machinery, roll of wire, rusty wheel and old tin bath that they had ever come across. There was rusty old stuff everywhere. I got some interesting shots and almost posted a blip of a huge pile of pallets - but decided the giant mushroom was more interesting (to me anyway).

It's a 'Phlebopus marginatus', I think - giant bolete - and can apparently grow up to a metre across! This one must have been about 50 cm at it's widest point. They often seem to grow by fence lines, for some reason.

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