The Adventures of Eli

By victoriaparker

Eli and the New Monday

It's a scientific fact that Monday is the most unloved day of the week. The Monday dread, the Monday blues, the just have to get this day over with. But this is all a thing of the past for mummy because Monday is now her DAY OFF! We've renamed it Mumday and vowed to always have fun on it.

We headed to soft play to meet granny Isy, uncle Lewis, aunty Kim, aunty Nicola and my cousins Josh and Rachel. I held onto granny for dear life as we whizzed around the track on a motorbike. I had a wheely great time!

Daddy's been practicing his daddy swearing now that I'm getting a bit older. Oh for flip's sake he said when I did a poo in the bath tonight. Cheese 'n' rice he exclaimed when seen the size of it!

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