
It's been a rather hectic and sociable 24 hours! Yesterday evening Pete, Alex and I went to the pub to say farewell to Paul, the warden of Orton Pit, who's starting a new job in north-east Wales on Monday. Paul's been a really excellent person to have around, has been an excellent mentor for Alex and has become a good family friend - we're all going to miss him deeply.

Today Pete and I attended the Wildlife Trust Ecology Groups Conference in Cambourne. This is always a good meeting, though there's a lot of sitting, which has aggravated my back. I was fortunate enough to win second prize in their annual photographic competition with an image of a starling murmuration against the moon. I have to say I was very surprised!! The three winning entries all featured birds - there seems to be some suggestion that next year bird shots will be banned!

This evening Chris and Lizzy are arriving back from Zaragoza, where they've spent the last week staying at her brother's house. We're having a Chinese meal to celebrate both their return and the recent Chinese New Year - and to save me from cooking!

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