hello : )

By 1DayataTime

guess what?

more snow : (

I can no longer enjoy even flurries falling or just a few inches of snow. It has all just been too much this winter! At the same time, it helps a tiny bit being able to get outside for the sole reason of taking photos : ) I probably sound like Debbie Downer.

Fortunately it's not all bad. I made it through a difficult workout this am - difficult because neither my body nor my mind was into the biking. It was so difficult that I first told myself to try biking for 10 minutes, which then turned into 15 and finally upwards to 30. I felt very good after the workout, I was so glad I "fought through." I didn't sleep well last night, so that is probably why I was all out of sorts this morning, but the workout got me into a better place.

I then went to a support group that further helped me to get into a good frame of mind. And then onwards to my niece's 4th birthday party, which was a lot of fun!

Thank you everyone for the congratulations on my 500th blip yesterday! This is a wonderful community : )

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