Live, love, laugh

By Rianka


Fourth day in Shanghai

And also our last. This evening we will take the night train to the final city we will visit, Xi'an.

But not without going to the wonderful Shanghai Aquarium. A friend of mine recommended this to me and I am glad we went.

The aquarium is very big and has three different floors, which takes you through all the different parts of the world and their underwater life.
I saw fish that looked like stones, really big fish, really small ones, big crabs with strange long legs, and jellyfish that changed colour every second. They also had these amazing water tubes.

After spending a few hours there we had one last walk around Pudong and the Bund and I dragged Beth back to some shops to buy a few souvenirs for myself, before going to the train station.

The train itself...wasn't really the best experience. As I said, we took the night train. This meant we had to sleep on the train. The trip took us over ten hours. And we had a seat, so we could not really lie down and have a nice rest. Not at all.
And of course, the men sitting across from me thought it would be nice to practice his English on me. This resulted in a very long conversation about Chinese culture, the Netherlands, the bigness of Canada, the greatness of left-handed people, my wonderful Chinese pronunciation and so on and so forth. Even when I had put in my earplugs and closed my eyes, since it was already around 12 o'clock, the hints were not obvious enough.

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