Live, love, laugh

By Rianka

7 Sages Hostel

Third day in Xi'an

Today was the last day in Xi'an and the last day of my trip through China.

During this trip I have seen a lot of wonderful things and beautiful sites, met a lot of interesting people and had a lot of interesting moments, many Chinese people staring and a lot of fun with my traveling buddy ;)

We made a list together which captures parts of our experience in China.

You Know You've Been in China Too Long When:
- You no longer look both ways when you cross the street
- You no longer notice the people following you and taking pictures of you
- Nor do you notice the people staring and pointing
- Getting sideswiped by a motorcycle is just an average day
- People giving you compliments is more frustrating than enjoyable
- Chinese men proposing marriage is just an average day
- You are no longer fazed by the strange food items
- Your personal bubble has shrunk beyond recognition
- You no longer know how to use a fork
- Shoving people out of your way on the subway is second nature
- Men serenading you is normal
- You no longer know how to order anything in a restaurant without pointing
- That patch of concrete starts to look comfortable

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