End of useful life

For a bicycle. Chained to a lamp post outside a cake shop with nothing but memories of its former life to keep it company.

Its purpose now? To catch the eye of passers by in the hope that they will be tempted to step inside and buy a calorie laden treat to gorge on the sofa when they get home. 

What a contrast to the days when its purpose was to get people moving, to get them active, to keep them healthy. I think that's what they call ironic.

30.5 mile ride yesterday and I'm pleased to report that my undercarriage is none the worse for wear. It must be the new saddle that I brought after my last painful ride. Funny how it has helped even though I haven't yet got round to fitting it to the bike. I must have frightened the old saddle into thinking it was about to be cast aside rather like this poor old bicycle. That softened it up a bit.

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