
By HF1

A tributary of the East Lyn exmoor

We stayed in the Brendon Valley for the weekend and despite unpromising forecasts woke to sunshine so after breakfast we walked along the East Lyn a wild river which meets the west Lyn at Watersmeet. The rock pools are enticing and would be great for wild swimming in the summer. I love this part of the world. 
we walked beyond Rockfors and then turned back to have a sandwich at the Rockford Inn - a really friendly 17th century inn - we sat in front of the log burner and were glad we were sheltering as it hailed outside. 
we hadn't realised the tides were so low/ high so we popped down to Lynmouth later to see the sea.

Sadly an Exmoor wild pony had been hit by a car at the top of Porlock Hill and was sitting confused in the road unable to stand. Apparently the car which had hit him had not stopped - such a beautiful creature -but tragically it had to be put down as its leg was broken.

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