Vivid Seal

By seal

The Wirral 100 Bike Championships.

Today was a day of father and son bonding. Dad had taken the day off to join me and the boys watch Steve muller his bike round Outlon Park.

With warm clothes at the ready, a flask of soup and an accompanying picnic we turned up just as the sun came out to play. After a quick visit to the pit lane to catch up with the racer we wandered off to find a spot for the picnic and a good vantage point from which to observe. The excitement of speeding motorbikes was obviously too much for the boys as they found more fun to be had playing in the sand next to the track!

The plan was to only stay for Race 1 given the normally limited attention span of the two little uns, but after watching Steve carve his way through the backmarkers to make up thirteen places we decided that we'd being staying for the day. Think Steve might have found his new pit crew for next year!

Thanks Dad, thanks boys and thanks to Steve for a cracking day out. Male bonding at its finest.

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