Tea for One

The last few days have been really hot, 27C today here; Takes a bit of getting used to, as last week we were very cold for the time of year. Now we are hotter than parts of Africa, according to the news. Last night had country dancing class, and I can tell you it took some character to dance in that heat. The cold drinks were going fast and furious.

Today has been a home day in the morning, organising the house, and also to be honest having a nice relaxed seat in the garden mid morning. In the afternoon we did our food shopping, and as is our habit, stopped for tea/coffee at our favourite Italian place. Tea for One as the Head Gardener had Cafe Latte. I love the way they serve tea, and the tea cosies in the Italian colours. Was very good and didn't have cake.

Thanks so much for all the congratulations and comments yesterday for my 300th blip...... it hit the spotlight, much to my delight.

Hope your day has been good!

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