The Adventures of Eli

By victoriaparker

Eli and the Splashy Duck

The first time the three of us tried to leave the house after I was born it took us 2 and half hours. How was mummy ever going to get me and her ready AND get to work she thought that day.

Well the time had finally come to find out! For the first time mummy and daddy were both going to work and I was going to the childminder. We managed to be (roughly) on time and all three of us passed as reasonably presentable. We've came a long way in 11 months. Either that or we've lowered our expectations on what's presentable.

I had a great day playing with Bramble the dog and going to the park. Mummy couldn't wait to see me and daddy gave me a big hug when he got home. I got so excited I peed all over him.

I splashed myself in the eye with my rubber duck in the bath tonight.
Oh for ducks sake said daddy.

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