Getting the sparkle back

By DomesticGoddess

100 mph teasel head

It wasn't much of a day for photography today - grey, wet at times and increasingly windy, so I have jazzed up this picture with the help of my friend Picasa.

I went for a short walk with L, D and J along the last part of the Innocent Railway which brought coal from Dalkeith to Edinburgh. The railway was horse-drawn initially and there are a couple of theories as to why it was called "Innocent" - firstly because, being horse-drawn, it was unsophisticated and leisurely, secondly because it was supposed to be free of accidents, although this isn't strictly-speaking true. It was the first time that three of us had been along it. It was L's first walk with boots on since December as she had a serious chest infection which needed two spells in hospital. But at last she is feeling up to doing more energetic things like dancing and walking.

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