Morning on The Lake

The Walkers were walking this morning…Errr that sounds a bit silly, walkers are walkers ’Cos they walk so…..Right?

Anyway this was the scene at the start…The scene at the finish was a local Cafe and everyone was a bit hot after 16 K’s of walking but The Boss had dropped me home before that ‘Cos Suzz would have been too hot for a small dog. It got to 31C in some places.

In other news you will be hearing from Tiny T for a few days while Management shifts its power base temporally for some reconstruction work to be carried out. Sorry but The Bossess has “embarkowed"  the details and I have been unusually silenced on this but just like politics, things have been known to leak   NO NO No Not ME!! that was another dog… so just come along for the ride…OK? 

Oh and The Fireworks were OK…The Boss drowned  them out with 3 episodes of Mad Men played  many Db’s above normal and I don’t think I heard anything except some ringing noises later.

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