A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley


I know, I know...even I think it is all a little much.  But purely in the interests of documenting events I am including this image of Albi's first outing.  And nothing to do with ridiculous levels of cuteness.  The walk to school and back took a little longer than usual with stopping off to chat to both friends and strangers.  Certainly ticked the helping Albi socialise box.  This was actually heading off to the vets for her first jab which was all a huge success.  As was getting some work done as despite my fears of her needing lots of attention she was happy to be both on her own and lie at my feet whilst I tapped away.  Perhaps this will work out. 

A new plan and a much better night's sleep all round and an early start so a little tired but off to see if my brain and body can work well enough together to cope with a tap class. 

I'll look for something non-doggy tomorrow.  


Lesley x 

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