What I live by these days

I am not really sure why but the idea of back to work on a Monday really does not bother me at all. In fact so much so that the early 7am in the office shift actually suits me big time. That said it was mighty cold in the office again and the rather small espressos did not exactly heat me up, in fact they made me more jumpy, as usual.

Felt pretty worn down which is not great and eventually found some Ibuprofen. Swimming was good with the girls, well I say that, they were doing the swimming, I was encouraging from the side.

A bitterly cold day with sleet in the air. I actually spent a part of it listening to some of Donald Johnson's playlists on Spotify and realised where the drumming and bass lines were coming from. Do the Du has a very similar vibe to Stanley Clarke I must say.

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