Life through the lens...

By ValC

Buttercups and dandelions.

On a day like today there is no better place on earth than the British countryside.

Our walk today was in Pendle country. (over the border!)
It is a lovely part of Lancashire and often missed by people on the way to the Lake District.
We parked in Barrowford and caught a bus to Barley.
The walk took us round the bottom of Pendle hill and back through the fields and lanes to Barrowford.
It was VERY HOT! (too hot for walking, but after all the cold wet weather I'm not going to complain!!)
The countryside was just so beautiful.
A nice cold shandy before the drive home helped cool us down!

Decided on this photo taken as we walked through a meadow of buttercups.
The fields were full of them. It just shows how hot it was !

This is a children's hymn I remembered singing at Sunday School as a little girl.

Sing a song of Maytime
Sing a song of Spring.
Flowers are in their beauty
Birds are on the wing.

Maytime, Maytime
God has given us Maytime
Thank him for his gift of love
Sing a song of Spring.

That says it all!

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