Well Sneaky

It's been a very full-on day, with no spare time at all. No chance again to catch-up with anybody here, so thanks so much for the love this weekend and the great commentary yesterday. Diva is very much the diva and she was rightly pissed off with me yesterday. I'm sure she's plotting. She's been giving me the evil eye all evening!

My quick lunchtime excursion was spent mostly talking with a group of lively and engaging teenagers, all trying (and mostly struggling) to light their roll-ups on a windy day. I had photographed one of them before so it was easy to get an introduction. Indeed, his patter on my behalf was better than my own! Eventually I persuaded the sweet and shy Lucy to have her photograph taken, although she had already realised that I'd taken a few surreptitious shots beforehand. These youngsters are quite sharp. "That's well sneaky," she said, but didn't seem to mind! 

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