Morning Sun

Another heads down day at work as our annual "Dundee Busimess Week" is in full flow. Lots of ducking and diving to get the right people and the right equipment to the right places on time to cover today's events. I think we managed it...just :)

Outside the wind was blowing again with that chilly nip on it. A day for wrapping up

I was disappointed to read that one of my dear blipmates had her images passed on to a third party organisation by a member of the blip team without her permission. This organisation then published online not only her images but a direct link to her whole journal. I know in the past blip have shared images but they have always, to my knowledge asked our permission. This did not happen in this case and allowing a link to an entire journal is just out of order in my book if the owner has not given permission. Be warned blippers

Meanwhile at home...the boy is back from footie and defrosting in a shower. Mr Lif and he will no doubt soon be snug on the sofa watching some football match or other. I am such a martyr ;)

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