Where the Light Gets In

By DHThomas

2012 Montepulciano

Feeling really under the weather yesterday (Tuesday). Stayed at home, went to the doctor's at 4.30pm, waited for more than two hours before she could see me, came out of the office with a prescription for a blood test as she couldn't see anything wrong in either my blood pressure (still a bit high at 140 over 80, but down from 150/80 last week...), my lungs and heart (apparently, I've got a good heart - if even doctors say so... ;-) ), my throat and ears. But I felt dizzy, a bit nauseous, and mostly very tired.

The list of tests on the prescription was quite impressive (more than a dozen lines) - she didn't want to miss anything. There's even a test about blood proteins to check I don't have a bone disease... I know she wants to be on the safe side, but still, I think that's a bit extreme! ;-) Mostly I know what is wrong with me. I am just exhausted because of what's going on in my life at the moment. Of course we might as well determine the biological source of the tiredness to try and give me a boost.

On the way back from the doc's office, I decided I'd treat myself to a dinner out. So I parked the car in front of our building and walked the minute and a half it takes us to go to our favourite Italian restaurant (owned by a not-Italian couple, mind you).

Here you have a glass of 2012 Montepulciano. We used to prefer their Barbera, but they took it off their list, as they didn't sell enough of it to justifiy having it take space in their limited cellar.

I'm at home today, too, so I warn you today's blip might be even more boring... :-D

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