
By Hammy


Long time, no Blip for me. So my last Blip was in November in Koh Tao, there I didn't take any photos for two weeks because I was enjoying swimming with the fishes scuba diving and I don't have a waterproof camera.

Then I got lazy and was going to back Blip, but Blip went down to be updated... I was waiting for the ipad app to come out, in fact am still waiting, but today I gave up and put the phone app on my ipad so now everything looks HUGE!!!

Anyway, I'm back now. Still a bit lazy with daily photos, but will drop by every so often. Will also back blip some of the best moments of the last few months at some point.

Currently in Danang in Central Vietnam. I love these circular fishing boats you see on the coast here. They look like they shouldn't work, but they do! Danang so far seems much more peaceful and less touristy than the other beach areas we visited further south.

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