One pigeon...

... decides to join the queue for a pasty in this Bakery, hoping to cut out the middle man in the street (who only leaves a few crumbs to share with 30 other birds).

Burnley town centre seemed to be over-run with pigeons today, flying at head height, making people dodge out of the way. I went onto a pedestrian bridge hoping to capture a re-run of Hitchcock's 'The Birds'.

Two minutes later, a voice behind said 'Excuse me, sir, Can I ask what you are photographing?' I explained to the two uniformed security men who went back into the shopping centre.

Two more minutes elapsed before the whole sketch was re-played with guards from the other end of the bridge. I must have looked particularly suspicious today.

The blip was saved by this solitary bird, missed by security staff and shop assistants until they saw this strange man apparently photographing the floor of their shop.

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