Dozy Bird

Just a wee snap from the garden this evening as it was brrrrr brrrr bitter this evening

Just before lunch I popped to the office loo. My eye was instantly drawn to the empty (not even one sheet) loo roll. Tutting, I reached up to the shelf to grab a new one to restock before I did the business. There, on the shelf, in full view, was a used pregnancy test kit wrapper! It is not everyday you find one of those in our small office!

After checking with my work chum, Michelle....we were soon able to narrow down the field. (Not exactly rocket science given of the 4 women in the office 2 are over 50 and Michelle said it wasn't hers!)

I am wondering when the young lady concerned will realise just what she did and why she is getting funny looks!

Anyhoo...Friday tomorrow and a trip over to the Wild West is on the cards. Best get the straw out of my hair as the bright lights of the big city beckon :)

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