The Adventures of Eli

By victoriaparker

Eli and the Pop-Up Horse

My packed lunch for a Wednesday is prepared with meticulous care. Nothing like the pressure of a childcare professional serving it up to me to have mummy flipping through the pages of her Annabel Karmel cookbook.

So when, for the third week in a row, I refused to eat it mummy despaired. Just give me my Ella's Kitchen pouches mummy. My ability to down them quicker than daddy downs a pint is more impressive than your cooking anyway! I had a great day playing, napping and dancing with Marion the childminder. Silly mummy only put one nappy in my bag today. Thankfully I didn't need more than that or I would've been going home in a Tena Lady.

My favourite books are pop-up books but I must be supervised at all times when reading them or things happen. Like tonight when I ripped bits off the pop-up horse. It now has neigh head.

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