
By TBay

Thank yous

We love to help people when we can especially friends, and it is so lovely when they in return give small gifts which are aways much appreciated. The flowers are from our Friend Mrs R whom we continue to support and the wine and biscuits are from a freind that I have just spent the evening building her family tree. She was so thrilled to find out so much more about her family than she had ever thought possible. 

I am such a rubbish blipper at the moment and am struggling to comment on all my lovely fellow blippers. It is so busy here and there are just not enough hours in the day (or night come to that!!) 

It is silly season for me right now, but in a few weeks I hope that things will calm down again, just in time for the silly season for the Mr Tbays to begin!! Ah the quiet rural life!!

Farming - Today was driver Robs last day with us as, he feels he needs to do less and slow down a bit. We have a replacement in Tom who will join Rusty as his right hand man for the time being. Things will change again come May, when Tom will not be able to do so many hours for us. Two on compost as usual.

Mr Tbay has just returned form another After Dinner Speaking practice! 

So its off up the little wooden hill for me to my soft cosy warm bed. Oh the joy!! Tomorrow not quite so manic. Phew......

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