Live, Laugh, Love & Yoga

By lynniecoady

Following on from yesterday....

Batman arrived today, I had in my mind I'd blip his batmobile until I saw what was in the back. Before coming to ours he'd just recovered this raccoon from someones house! He said not to be fooled by how cute it looked as they are nasty - yikes!!

Anyway, turns out we do have bats, around the 30 mark. In my mild freak out he said not to worry as houses where we stay can have 100 to 1000's....OMG !!!
They are protected until the middle of August, this is when the babies will be able to fly. After this date we will be able to seal up the hole so they can't get back in. I asked where they then go, he replied your neighbours houses, oh dear!!!

For those interested they are Mexican Free Tailed Bats. Maybe I'll be able to blip them one day. Learnt lots of interesting bat facts today, including they don't fly out every night. So I'll be going on bat watch.

I thought experiencing the Congress Bridge Bats in Austin from a kayak was enough bats to last me a life time but it would appear not!!!

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