Armada House

I've long admired the colour of this building just opposite to my cinema. Now it's just a few steps from me I  (at last , after 25 years ! ) determined to find out why it's called 'Armada House '. The story goes that after the Armada lots of oak timber was washed up on the Norfolk Coast. This house ( it's alleged ) is built of this timber.  I like the tale & if Blip would accept Picasa from me as it apparently does from some Blip pals, you'd have got a collage of timber in the structure.
I hear a rant coming. I've now a good viral infection ( after a tough week ) , the first of the winter. This was taken as I scuttled off to get more Echinacia to ward it off.
So who's the wreck now you may well ask.!!
Enjoy the W/E pals. 

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