A Matthew A Day

By MatthewAndMummy


We were going to head to the village hall soft play but it was sunny and Matthew said Park so we stuck hus dungarees on over his coat and had some fun. Watching him pushing the roundabout round and round. We also went over to see the tractor they use to mow the playing fields and had a wander in the 'wood' along the edge. I so had the wrong shoes on :)

Other highlights of the day include the moment a bit later in the soft play when he suddenly looked round to find mummy and said Up at me from across the room - and I realised he was proudly standing on the ramp of the toy garage he'd been playing with. Plus the fact he spent some time including his nap wearing a pair of daddy's pants over his trousers having pulled them off the clothes horse and put them on all by himself. Doing some painting in the afternoon seems quite dull in contrast :)

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