
By BrownBuddy1


I have just taken Tom into Raigmore Hospital as he is having some tests run on his heart. We thought he was going in on Weds but the doctor suddenly phoned up late afternoon and said they had decided to have him in tonight.

The other piece of really bad news was the sudden death of a very close friend of my eldest son. Very tragic, he was having a meal out with friends when he choked on a piece of steak, couldn't breathe and passed out. He was rushed to casualty but never came out of a coma. He passed away last night. He left a wife and a baby daughter and many friends. We had known him since a child, he and my son had met on the first day at secondary school and had been firm friends ever since. They had helped each other through good and bad times, I'm sure there are many things about my son that only he knew. He will be so missed.

If I could turn off the comments I would. It is not necessary to comment, just look at the beautiful photo of Poppy that I took this afternoon. I wonder if anyone else can see Poppy reflected in the clouds. It did seem such a co-incidence that the clouds were so beautiful this afternoon.

Perhaps if someone in the restaurant had know some basic first aid, how to clear an airway, the outcome might have been different. It is such an important thing to know, you might never need it but if you do it can make a huge difference.  

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