knit 1 girl 1

By knit1girl1

Blue and white scarf

It's sunny and stupidly warm (for little old pale skinned me) outside so I'm spending time inside weaving.
Here's what I managed to get done so far and it's looking pretty good if I may say so myself.
It's meant to be a loose weave as I'm hoping it'll crinkle up when it's washed to give a wavy effect. That's the plan so wait and see.
Had a nice evening last night sitting and drinking Prosecco and knitting some of the Aeolian shawl that I started nearly a year ago. My friend Karen finished heres yesterday and it looks stunning so I'm feeling inspired, plus it's nice knitting something light and lacey in this heat.
Not sure if I'll be able to blip this weekend as off to the forest and fair bet mobile reception will be ropey.
Have a good weekend and enjoy the sun:)

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