
I can't pass up the chance of a goldcrest blip as he arrives infrequently in the elder tree and is VERY difficult to catch.  By the time the camera has focused he has flit to another branch in the search for bugs.  So you can guess how many out of focus and goldcrest free blips were discarded to get this one!  I was in two minds as to use this one which is focused right in, or this one which I think is quite cute but at the normal distance.  This shrub in our neighbour's garden seems a particular favourite.

I've decided to invent a bathroom cleaning system which involves closing the door and pressing a button and, a minute later, it's done, pristine!  No grubby bits in hard to get at corners;  no fluff; no stains which resist eco-friendly 'cleaners'; no unmentionables etc etc.  Any takers?

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