A "mis-haired" title??

Modesty prevents me from revealing who won the quiz last night. Suffice to say that it was a team called "The Blippers" that was/were victorious!!!!!
At the end of the evening, I caught a glimpse of myself in a mirror and I realised that it really was time that I shaved off my beard. So that was what I did this morning.
But why not have a bit of fun while doing it and why not "play about" with the photos I took!
(Isn't it strange when you catch an unexpected image of yourself, and for just a second, you probably see yourself as others see you)
Anyway, clean-shaven now and feeling the cold on my chin.
I rather like the popular pages on blip, but wouldn't it be a bit different if there was a "most unattractive image submitted" group?
I suspect this one would do rather well there!
But, nothing else to blip today so ......
I think this song  is called "Hair Today" but I could be wrong!

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