
By QuiltyT


Continuing my alphabet challenge - a candle holder in the dining room.

Very busy day today.  Up early as Adam was performing at the Basingstoke  Festival.  Prepared verse at 9am.  He did really well for his first public performance, and came away with a commendation.  Back home for a quick bacon sarnie, and then back out with Alice.  She has her prom in the early summer, so we had some dress shopping to do.  That was very strange.  Grown up dresses for my little girl (although not too grown up!!  Seeing her taste and style evolve, but still needing that little bit of reassurance.  We weren't actually planning on buying anything today, but were both surprised when we ended up putting in an order.  She's going to look stunning.

While we were out Mr QT took Adam back to the Festival - prepared prose this time.  And a merit to add to his collection.  We all rushed back home for a quick change before running back out for Adam's swimming gala.  Lots of fun and noise, as well as swimming.  And one small boy who was fast asleep within 10 minutes of going to bed.

Feeling very proud of my two things tonight.

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