
By Eilatanfoto

Everybody is Kung Fu fighting....

It is a little known fact that I am quite the Kung Fu movie fan & I'm not just talking about the Jackie Chan films.  I'm including Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, House of the Flying Dagger, Battle for Redcliff and classics such as Riegn of Assassins to name a few. 

Why do I like them???

What's not to like? 

There's the intense story lines that make very little sense; the super (often magical) powers that allow masters of the art to leap tall buildings (whilst fighting) & run through the streets via roof tops as required; the fights where it's 1 verses 60 and the 1 wins even though they are wearing very impractical clothing compared to the ninja like foes; & at no time does anyone's hair get out of place!  

They are escapism at its best! 

So what does that have to do with this blip I hear you ask?

Well you may notice this blip is a little blurry and skewed. That is because this dragon (which, with a group of others, was wandering around Federation Square for the last day of celebration for Chinese New Year) happened to be doing Kung Fu when I took the picture! Now, as you may know from these movies, at the speed these things move when doing Kung Fu, getting an accurate non blurry picture is nearly impossible (even though to the naked eye they are moving so fast they almost look like they're standing still). 

The poor quality of this shot is solely down to that and has nothing to do with me trying unsuccessfully to take it on my dodgy phone whilst being distracted by lots of other shiny things or my inclination to dance whenever I hear drums such as those used at this celebration.  

That's  my story and I'm sticking to it! 

Cue music...."Everybody is Kung Fu fighting ooohh....."

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