
By PeckhamBelle

At the bars

I took an almost identical photo almost exactly one year ago.  I'd hoped to get this year's shot in focus, but my photography skills clearly haven't improved that much.

We're back at Heathrow Gymnastics Club for Sal's regional competition, the one where she competes against other South East club gymnasts and has to pass to move up to the next grade.  Last year she did ok, came about 20th, passed and was happy.  This year she's fitter, more supple, more confident and hopes to get in the top ten.

She has a cracking round: good floor routine, bars, range and conditioning and vault.  The beam's a bit dodgy; she falls once but gets back on. She wobbles again, but stays up. 

We wait nervously for the results.  She comes fifth!  A pass with distinction and on to the next level and the next competition in April.

To celebrate she scoffs her packed lunch, gets back in the car and heads off to .. gymnastics training.  

Her head's in the game.

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