Vaguely Marvellous

By Benelia


In 1901, a ship was wrecked near Worthing, and its cargo of oranges and lemons was washed up on the shore. So over a hundred years later, we found ourselves at the 13th (?) annual Orange and Lemon Flingathon, where people pay a pound to chuck and orange or lemon as far as they can. It was a very small town affair. But Ben won his age group, so he's happy! This photo is of the Adult Male category: it was the only one I got with actual oranges and lemons in flight!

In other news, Marc and I went for a cycle this morning, it was very windy so we cycled into it on the way out, and let it push us home..

And the pork pies were bloody gorgeous.

Now I have lots more work still to do to prepare for this week's lessons, including an observed one on Wednesday. Still, after this week, only 3 weeks to Easter!!!!

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